Fair Trade Organic
Nicaragua Segovia
Region: Esteli, Madriz, Nueva Segovia
Variety: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Catimor
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1250–1350 masl
Cupping Notes: Clean and citric with cocoa and herbal flavors.
PRODECOOP is a second-level cooperative organization that groups 38 grassroots cooperatives made up of 2,300 small producers, 27% of whom are women. These producers and their respective cooperatives are located in the departments of Esteli, Madriz, and Nueva Segovia, in northern Nicaragua. On average, they export 30,000 coffee bags, of which 50% of the total volume is organic and Fair Trade certified.
Over its existence, PRODECOOP has developed a long line of programs that aim to support its members in a multitude of different ways. They are able to fund these programs using their Fair Trade premium. The initiatives include supporting educational opportunities for children, providing loans to women in and affiliated with the organization, providing cervical-cancer screenings and other health-care services, offering member education regarding pest control and fertilization, and creating and supporting systems to increase food security for the communities.

Fair Trade Organic
Region: Rukundo, Rutsiro Dist, W. Province
Variety: Bourbon
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1800–2000 masl
Cupping Notes:
Sweet, creamy and tart with berry, coffee cherry and toffee flavors.
COOPAC is a Fair Trade–certified cooperative located near Lake Kivu on the steep slopes of volcanic mountains. The organization founded by Emmanuel Rwakagara, who is the president of COOPAC as well as the owner of the Gishamwana Island coffee estate. COOPAC began with 110 farmers in April 2001, and currently has 8,000 members contributing coffee from Ack, Ubuzima, Tuzamurane, Kopabm, Abakundakurima, and Abanyamurava. With over 50 washing stations along the northern landscape of Lake Kivu, COOPAC exports 150 containers of Fair Trade certified coffee annually.
COOPAC is committed to environmental and social sustainability in addition to producing high-quality coffee. Waste by-products from processing are used as fertilizer rather than discarded into the lake, and shade trees are distributed to farmers to prevent soil erosion. COOPAC has assisted in the construction of a school, health-care clinics, and roads and bridges in the community. The cooperative also has a program to distribute cows and goats to the most productive farmers and provides farmers with an agricultural advisor to teach the latest production methods.

Fair Trade Organic
Honduras Marcala
Women Producers
Region: Corquin, Alto de los Santos
Variety: Caturra
Process: Honey
Altitude: 1450 meters
Cupping Notes:
Sweet, creamy and tart with berry, coffee cherry and toffee flavors.
Our first lots from Cooperativa RAOS (Regional de Agricultores Orgánicos de la Sierra) came in 2015. These past several years, we have been thrilled to see both the quality and the quantity of their coffees improve, and we know there is even more to come. The 2016/2017 harvest saw our first opportunity to source a Women Coffee Producer lot from this group whose 270-farmer membership includes 77 women. Now we are able to buy several containers from the women as well as the mixed group.
In addition to the program premiums these women receive for this lot, Cooperativa RAOS has many very active educational support programs open to all members through the development of training farms, as well as integrated farm-management programs and organic-farming support to all members, including the female growers.

Fair Trade OrganicMexico
El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve
Women Producers
Region: Chiapas
Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Typica
Process: Washed
Altitude: 900-1800 meters
Cupping Notes:
Cashew, cocoa. and citric acidity
Our women producer coffee from Mexico is part of the Women Coffee Producers Program through Cafe Imports. The women belong to the Triunfo Verde Cooperative which is comprised of 346 members. The farms are located in the buffer zone of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in the highlands of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. The Biosphere Reserve is one of the world’s most diverse forest reserves containing Mesoamerica’s largest continuous cloud forest and serves as a refuge to thousands of animal and plant species. The co-op works in conjunction with the ideals of the Reserve, producing shade-grown coffee with respect to biological corridors created for the migration of birds and animals. The Reserve is located near the border of Guatemala and the famous coffee-growing region of Huehuetenango.

FairTrade Organic
Sumatra Mandheling
Region: Northern Sumatra
Variety: Catinor, Tim Tim, Ateng, Typica
Process: Wet Hulled
Altitude: 1100-2500 meters
Cupping Notes:
Sweet with tart acidity, cocoa, and herbaceous flavors and a heavy mouthfeel.
Among coffee-producing countries, Sumatra is a remarkable sort of outlier: Though the Pacific island came to grow coffee because of European influence like much of the rest of the “New World,” the coffees produced in this region are special and specific to the terroir, traditions, and culture of Sumatra.
The majority of coffee produced in Indonesia is processed in a manner often called “wet-hulled” or “semi-washed. Coffee treated in this manner are often depulped on a farm after picking, then overnight-fermented in tanks, sacks, or other containers in order to soften the mucilage layer, which is washed off; because of the sort of “pile fermentation” style of preparation employed, the parchment layer remains wet, and is hulled, or removed, while they are still at a high moisture content.
This process is directly responsible for the classic flavors people love in a Sumatran coffee: earthy, smoky, meaty, savory, and bold.

Organic Ethiopia Limu
Region: Kaffa
Variety: Heirloom wild keffe forest
Process: Natural
Altitude: 2000 meters
Cupping Notes:
Savory and heavy with cocoa flavor and an herbal aftertaste
Ethiopia holds near-legendary status not only because it’s the “birthplace” of Arabica coffee, but also because it is simply unlike every other place in the coffee world. Unlike the vast majority of coffee-growing countries, the plant was not introduced through colonization but rather they were discovered growing wild in forests. There are no coffees that are spoken of with the reverence or romance that Ethiopian coffees are.
This family owned coffee estate is nestled in the highland forests of Kaffa, 475 kilometers southwest of Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa. These tropical forests, while providing sanctuary to a diversity of wildlife, bird-life, flora, and fauna, offer the ideal micro-climate for growing coffee. At an average elevation of 5,800 feet above sea level, our coffee trees are lovingly nurtured by cool morning mists and a lush tropical canopy that provides protective shade from the midday sun, enriches the soil with organic nutrients while preserving its moisture. It is no wonder that the coffee Arabica tree first sprouted from these same soils where it has continued to thrive for hundreds of years.
This Ethiopian coffee is certified organic.

Organic Guatemala Antigua -Finca El Potrero
Region: Antigua, Alotenango
Variety: Anacafe 14, Sarchimor, Caturra, Bourbon
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1350-1450 masl
Cupping Notes: Sweet and savory with chamomile, lemon and toffee flavors with an herbal aftertaste.
Josué Morales manages the 40-hectare Finca El Potrero alongside the farm's owner, Juan De Leon.
The farm originally began as part of an agroforestry project incentivized by the Guatemalan government and is home to a selection of plants, including pine trees, native trees, and a mix of coffee varieties, including Anacafe 14, Sarchimor, Bourbon, and Caturra.
Historically, this land had been used for cow grazing, which depleted much of the soil of its natural nutrients, but, through continuous efforts and innovation, Josué and Juan have worked to improve soil health on the farm by testing ideas and protocols originally developed at Finca La Esperanza in Antigua. Over the last several years, close to 1 thousand metric tons of pulp from wet-milling and harvesting coffee have been re-integrated into the soil at El Potrero to promote soil health. Additionally, Josué and Juan have found ways to utilize the natural foliage from the pines on the farm to trap organic matter and create a healthy cushion of moisture in the soil as the seasons change.
Beyond the soil program, Josué and Juan continue to invest in opportunities to propagate new varieties of coffee at El Potrero. In the next several years, they hope to plant 44 more hectares of coffee in partnership with genetic labs doing work in Ethiopia and Latin America to diversify the scope of varietals grown on the farm.

IndiaMonsoon Malabar
Region: Karnataka, Kerala
Variety: Kent, S795, Catimor, S9
Process: Monsooned
Altitude: 1100-1200 meters
Cupping Notes:
Spicy, earthy, smoky, tobacco notes, wood notes, medium body medium acidity
Indian coffee was traditionally shipped to Europe in wooden sailing vessels that took four to six months to sail around the Cape of Good Hope before reaching their destination. Beans were stored below deck in extremely humid conditions. By the time it got to market, the coffee had undergone a transformation. The beans had turned a pale gold and the new-crop acidity had disappeared. This monsooning process was systemically replicated in India to reproduce the familiar flavor of these historic voyages.
The modern-day monsooning process consists of exposing coffee beans—in layers of four to six inches—to moisture-laden Monsoon winds in a well-ventilated warehouse. This process is carried out on the West Coast of India, making use of the winds from the Arabic Sea. During this 12-16 week process, the beans absorb moisture in stages, swelling to nearly twice their original size and developing colors ranging from pale gold to light brown

Tanzania Peaberry
Region: Arusha
Variety: Arusha, Bourbon, Blue Mountain, Kents
Process: Washed, Sun Dried
Altitude: 1400-1800 meters
Cupping Notes:
Rich cocoa, grapefruit, brown sugar and caramel flavors; sweet, savory and citric.
Coffee plants first came to Tanzania from Ethiopia, sometime in the 16th century and immediately felt at home in the volcanic soils, warm humid climate and high altitudes of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Usually, coffee cherries contain two seeds, or beans, flat on one side and rounded on the other. In the case of peaberries, only one seed is fertilized. This results in a single round seed with a ridge down the middle. Peaberries are considered by some to be superior in quality and taste from regular flat beans. The reasons for this are twofold: The single bean contains all the flavor intensity of two beans, and the round shape of the beans results in a more even roast.

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe
Region: Shara, Guanga, Yirgacheffe
Variety: Heirloom Ethiopian varieties
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1789–1860 masl
Cupping Notes:
Sweet and smooth with tart acidity, delicate jasmine, berry and nutty flavors.
This coffee comes from our washing-station partners at Adado, which is in the kebele, or village, of Shara, in the woreda ,or district, of Guanga, in the Yirgacheffe region. This coffee is named after the local tribe, "Adado." In these coffees, typically apricots and peaches with supportive citrus and floral higher tones come together in a delightful cup. The Natural process of these lots really complement the typical profile of the washed coffee beautifully and even shine through the heavy berry overtones in a natural process.
Coffees in Ethiopia are typically traceable to the washing station level, where smallholder farmers—many of whom own less than 1/2 hectare of land, and as little as 1/8 hectare on average—deliver cherry by weight to receive payment at a market rate. The coffee is sorted and processed into lots without retaining information about whose coffee harvest is in which bag or which lot.

Espresso Noir
Our secret blend, hand picked to showcase the best qualities of each bean, blended and roasted for rich thick crema. Perfect for straight shots or with milk.
Cupping Notes:
Dark chocolate, sweet cocoa, spicy, nutty with a rich mouth feel. The body is smooth and mildly winey with a full, silky finish
With over twelve years in the coffee shop business we have experimented with many different blends in our espresso. Some out of curiosity, some of necessity, Some were good plain, but not with milk ,while, others were great with milk but not good plain. This blend is the blend of espresso that we built 4 coffee shops around. It is a favorite of the latte drinker as well as the "John Wayne" drinker(straight shot). It will be the best shot you've ever had!

Colombia Origin Select Decaf
Region: Huila
Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
Process: Washed & EA
Altitude: 1200-2000 meters
Cupping Notes:
White nectarine with blueberry and melon. Very sweet with a creamy milk chocolate body
Take advantage of a great program dedicated to bringing the highest-quality, non-chemical-processed decaf coffees to market. Our Origin Select Decaf offerings are single-origin blends of coffees selected by cup quality grown by multiple smallholder producers. Our Colombian E.A. (ethyl acetate) decafs are cupped as regular green samples and specifically identified for decaffeination, which happens in-country in Colombia before the coffee goes to export. This allows us to maintain both the integrity of the quality of the coffees we choose to decaf, but also to extend our intentional and responsible sourcing to our decaf offerings as well as our “regular.”
This process works by soaking green coffee in a bath of water and a solvent called ethyl acetate, which is naturally derived from fermented sugar, among other natural sources. The solvent bonds to the salts of chlorogenic acid within the coffee, which allows for the extraction of caffeine. The coffee is removed from its bath and steamed at low pressure to ensure no traces of E.A. are left, and the finished product is almost entirely free of any but the most trivial (0.1–0.3%) caffeine content.