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Life on the Farm

We love animals. We also love free labor.

Our chickens, ducks & geese all have a job to do on the farm. They keep the orchard pests and weeds in check and fertilize at the same time. Since they are pasture fed, they reward us with the most delicious eggs too!


Our livestock guardian dogs, Hilde and Samson, keep watch over the flock and protect them from predators, both day and night.


We can not forget our 4 farm cats, Jackson and his 3 ladies, Cripkey, Rocket & Sweetness. When they aren't napping, they are fantastic at keeping the farm free from pests. We still have big plans for new additions to our farm, we hope to add a few alpacas, sheep, goats & donkeys.

Our Bee Yard

 A Beehuggers Haven

Our last name, Beaman, is of Welsh origin, from a time when no one had last names. When the King wanted a list of all the people in is kingdom to be recorded, they gave them names based on their profession. My husband's kin were beekeepers. Its always been a life long dream of ours to learn the skills of his ancestors, so last year, we went to a beginner beekeeper's class and the rest is, as they say, history.


Our newest addition to the farm is our 10 hives of bees. Two are from a local beekeeper, the other 8 are from a bee rescue in Kansas City.  These girls are the hardest workers around the farm, not only do they pollinate our trees but they make an abundant amount of honey. The orchard is alive with the sound of a half million busy lil ladies. It is a special experience when one lands on you to say hello. 

Our Honey

Happy lil bees!

No one knows more about processing honey than the bees themselves, so our job is to simply keep them healthy, happy and stay out of their way. Our honey is all natural and free from preservatives. Our honey's flavor will naturally vary by season, much like wine reflects the terroir of its grapes, honey's flavor profile reflects the flora of the region. The taste, color and texture evolves throughout the year, from the fresh fruits of spring to the final bottles of fall. Experiencing these differences is part of what makes honey so enjoyable.
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