Hello again, it's the coffee man. I have a new way to enjoy Firefly Valley Farms great coffee! A friend introduced me to the vacuum pot. This friend shall remain nameless to protect the innocent. I got my own vacuum pot because I liked the way it brewed coffee and partly because she couldn't make coffee the way I like it. The cost was around 40-50 dollars and I love it! It looks like an hourglass, you fill the bottom with water and put the grounds in the top. The grind is very important it is several steps more course than auto-drip, but not quite to french press. We will be adding another grind to our website, specifically for the vacuum pot. Ok back to it, you add 24 oz. of water and 3 well rounded table spoons of coffee. The pot uses induction heating to heat the water and the heating of the water forces the water into the top part(remember the hourglass) and the water mixes with the coffee. The pot boils for an adjustable time, (I set mine to 180 seconds) then as it cools the water returns to the bottom of the pot. I forgot to mention that between the levels is a reusable cloth filter. This also creates a bit of a vacuum (hence the name) and the result is an amazing cup of coffee. FYI, you will need to let it cool after this process or you can do like me and put a glove on and add ice. Cause ain't nobody got time to let coffee cool naturally. Please enjoy responsibly, and if you can't order Firefly Valley Farms coffee then please support a local coffee roaster in your area. Thank you for reading. Coffee Man out! ▷ Klarstein Syphon Vacuum Coffee Maker - The Geek Theory